Partäääy tånajt!
Jomenvisst. Alkoholen kommer kommer, alkoholen kommer NU.
Hey, i put some new shoes on and suddenly everythings right.
I said hey, i put some new shoes on and everybody's smiling and
it's so inviting.
Oh, short on money
but long on time
slowly strolling in the sweet sunshine,
and i'm running late
and I don't need an excuse
'cause i'm wearing my brand new shoes!
You said it all, paolo :)
Hey, i put some new shoes on and suddenly everythings right.
I said hey, i put some new shoes on and everybody's smiling and
it's so inviting.
Oh, short on money
but long on time
slowly strolling in the sweet sunshine,
and i'm running late
and I don't need an excuse
'cause i'm wearing my brand new shoes!
You said it all, paolo :)